Do I Really Need to See the Dentist Every Six Months?
You already know it’s important to care for your dental health, and you’ve probably heard you should see your dentist in Turlock, CA, every six months. You may be wondering: is it true? What happens if you put off your dental appointments?
We have answers to your questions. We can help you decide how often to see the dentist and when to go for preventative dental care. See below for information on when to visit the dentist for dental examinations and cleanings.
What Dental Experts Recommend
Typically, dentists recommend that their patients come in for dental appointments every six months. If you have dental insurance, your insurance policy may pay for you to see the dentist twice per year for dental cleanings, because many policies do.
Some patients don’t need to see the dentist this often, while others need to see the dentist more frequently. If you need to see the dentist at different intervals, your dentist will let you know.
Why See the Dentist Every Six Months?
During your six-month dental appointments, the dental professional will remove plaque and tartar from your tooth enamel. Plaque and tartar can lead to problems like gum recession and cavities. These appointments are an important part of your oral hygiene routine.
What Happens When You Put Off Dental Appointments?
Putting off dental appointments can lead to the deterioration of your tooth health and gum health. See your dentist as often as recommended to keep your teeth healthy and clean.
Is it time for a dental exam or other preventative dental care in Turlock, CA? Make an appointment. Call today to speak with one of our dental professionals.